It seems that I've been tagged! :-) Three times by:
DebThis means that I thanks a lot my dear friends who choosed me in billion pool of blogs here in the net.
This also means also that I have to write something new and strange about myself
The rules of the Blogger's Tag game are:
1. put a link in your posting about the artist that tagged you.
2. write 5 -7 unusual things about yourself.
3. tag 5 - 7 other Bloggers and let them
1) Mine is not the worst allery in the world, but it's quite invalidating, I'm allergic to... Mint! I can't wash my teeth with normal pastes, I can't cure a throatache and I can't eat most of chewing-gums.
2) I played basketball in the major Italian Legue, (also if I'm quite short for a basketball player).
3) When I was joung I didn't attended an artist school because one of my school mates was better than me in drawing. I thought she was fine for an artist school and not me. Probably she did something else in her life, I still eat my nails for not attending it.
4) I married a man who is the exact opposite of me... The last thing he cares of is art!
5) I've been working for 15 years on computers, now I enjoy it!
6)There's a song I know since I was a little (less than one year) baby, it's a Brazilian song who's words I know in italian, no-one ever translated it, it's called "voce abuso".
7) I can still remeber the map of the home I lived in until I was 2, I can remeber exactly many particulars that turned to be real and that both my parens didn't remember. Actually I find very diffcult to say what I cooked yesterday for dinner.
I will tag some friends:
Chelsea, I met her today, she's a so kund American girl, she lives a few miles far from my home.
Carol in Tel Aviv, a wonderful watercolor painter from this side of Earth.
Theresa because of her uncommon fantasy.
Melanie A sweetheart inside a painter.
Jelanie I admire her works!
Viki, have alook at her paints, what is she if not a talent?
Jillian She's the one that introduced me to Watercolors wet and wild, I'll never stop to Thank you Jillian for this.
I'll tag one more person, she is an artist and she's one of the most kind person I know here in the web, she's